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Getting back on track Authority board approves logo for proposed port

Lin­coln Univer­sity ath­letes run Tues­day even­ing around the track of Dwight T. Reed Sta­dium. LU’s men’s and women’s track and field teams are set to start their in­door sea­sons in Jan­uary, with a plan in place to re­sume the school’s ath­letic pro­grams amid the coro­n­avirus pan­demic. Phase three of LU Ath­let­ics’ “re­so­cial­iza­tion plan” was re­leased Mon­day.
Lin­coln Univer­sity ath­letes run Tues­day even­ing around the track of Dwight T. Reed Sta­dium. LU’s men’s and women’s track and field teams are set to start their in­door sea­sons in Jan­uary, with a plan in place to re­sume the school’s ath­letic pro­grams amid the coro­n­avirus pan­demic. Phase three of LU Ath­let­ics’ “re­so­cial­iza­tion plan” was re­leased Mon­day.
Liv Pag­gia­rino/News Tri­bune

The Heartland Port Authority Board is taking steps to put together a marketing plan for the planned Missouri River port in Jefferson City.

The board on Tuesday approved a logo for the port ...